Monday, October 22, 2007

hanging gems

It was a few years back when I acquired this piece of 'Art', if you wanted to call it that-- if permitted.
It is actually a poster I acquired to get it autographed by the visiting 'Stars' of Manchester United, namely Beckham, Giggs and Keane (only one remained at Man U). Soon, it may hang there no more.
You see, I am quite the budding entrepreneur. Having surveyed Ebay quite closely over the past couple of months, I discovered that there were some 'collectors' who would pay quite a fair bit for an autographed item by a sportsperson that they like, whats more, getting 3 for the price of 1.

I was contemplating on posting it on Ebay soon but perhaps I will wait till Giggsy retires from the team for it to fetch a higher price. What do you think?

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