Monday, June 4, 2007

starring ang kee

My cousins came over to KL from Singapore for the weekend for a few days of shopping, makan fest and just catching up with friends and families. Like all their previous visits, I am usually the partner-in-crime and evidently so this weekend since my husband was away golfing.

Afraid of the torrents that were about to hit, I packed 7 people in 2 cars and hit ANG KEE, the restaurant in SS2 for some yummy fare.

I have been in the vicinity many times for Kayu Nasi Kandar, Cheow Sang BKT and Yu Ai but somehow never quite paid any attention to this non-descript restaurant. Like all other chinese coffee shop that serves the usual dinner fare, AK was no different.

The restaurant was rather quiet when we were there about 6.30pm, but as soon as we placed our order, the people came flooding in occupying all the tables, both big and small.

We were rather cautious and conservative in what we ordered as my cousins had lunch only at 4.00pm... so there were only 3 hungry people out of the 7. These were what we had :

1) Pork Ribs in Special Sauce - Came highly recommended by AK. Came nicely presented with an artistic touch represented by a small cluster of broccoli. Not bad. The meat could have been more tender. Sauce was interesting with definitely a dash of Worcester sauce

2) Fish in Crispy Chicken - Again came highly recommended by AK. It is basically roast chicken stuffed with fish paste. Like Yong Tau Foo with out the Tau Foo. Quite an unusual fare, my cousins were amused. Nice

3) Crayfish in Butter Sauce - Yet another recommendation. Battered crayfish (flesh only) deepfried and sauteed with butter sauce with some curry leaves for the fragrant touch. Nice too

4) Vegetarian dish - The usual vegetarian combination of young corn, cabbage, beancurd sheet, snow peas, etc. Basic dish. Ok

5) Lettuce with garlic - Ok

The bill came up to RM86.00 inclusive of rice and drinks. But again, let me stressed, we were not wanting to eat to our fill coz the next stop was another makan session.

Before I end this update, I must also add that the service was prompt HOWEVER the person who took our order was an OGRE... RUDE. (No reference to Shrek)

All we did was ask about the dishes and what sauce, etc... and he said (such audacity!!!) "I don't knowlah, I am not in the kitchen, I am out serving customers??!!!" HELLO, WE ARE THE CUSTOMERS, WE ARE ALWAYS RIGHT!!! Thankk God the saving grace was the FOOD!

Anyway, would I go back to AK you ask, I would coz it was tasty and cheap. This is the testament of the quality :- ............ So the answer is an obvious and resounding YES!!!

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