Tuesday, June 26, 2007

cuppy cakes

My fascination with cupcakes occurred a while ago when the craze appeared on Sex In The City. Cupcakes then were hard to come by... Today, I am glad to state that it has reached our shores. Usually sold by someone's aunt or a friend's friend, cupcakes are usually peddled from home with very few available in cafes or food outlets. But I managed to find a few...

There is the tiny ones sold at Delicious by Ms. Read with a tiny gummy bear on top (taste so-so); Marmalade also has tiny ones with simple butter icing in pastel colours (taste ok); Fit for 2, a small size gym for mothers and babies has some larger ones in the size of muffins with a variety of fillings from peanut butter to nutella all topped with respective filling (very yummy) and then of course the yummilicious ones from Just Heavenly Pleasures with funky toppings - very nouveau cupcakes and they ROCK!

I have recently stumbled upon these fantabulous ones from my colleague's aunt which are near to perfect. Simple butter cupcakes topped with simple butter icing, just the right size to pop into the mouth. Comes in any colour icing you want. So far I have ordered pinks, whites, baby blues, lime green and the list keeps going on...


LazySuzy said...

Umm... thank you??

Bri said...

Did you eat it on the day you bought it? How does the icing stay fresh? Do they melt? Do you have to keep it in the fridge? Must really get one to try...

Anonymous said...

i came across this blog and the cupcakes pics are making my saliva drips,


various designs for various events it caters. its somewhere in damansara utama.

LazySuzy said...

bri : Bought them for Lily's belated bday. Best eaten fresh as the icing is just the right texture, not hard yet not wet. Kept it in the fridge for the next few days and they taste almost as good. But have to slightly 'defrost'them to get the right icing texture. Very yummy!

amanda : Visited the site before and have actually ordered the cupcakes. The look very nice but the taste is slightly compromised.