Tuesday, February 27, 2007

makan-makan @ Widuri

Standing tall and proud, Widuri sits at the end of the block from the ever famous 'Original Nasi Kandar Kayu' in Aman Suria. Great food, good pricing and clean surroundings. Try the petai shrimp sambal or the fried fish with sambal tumis...rendang ayam... and especially for me, a rice bin, I tend to steer away from this place but couldn't resist the rice and sambal combo today. I succumbed.
On a different note, I went on a fruit rampage this morning and guess where did I manage to hoarde furry kiwis, blushing pomergranates, wrinkly avocados, curvaceous mangoes and the (i-cant-seem-to-find-a-adjective) persimmons... KL SENTRAL, the second largest transportation hub in Malaysia (bet you didnt know that).

Now you must be wondering what is a fruit stall, mind you a proper fruit stall that sells fruit whole, doing in a train station??!! Well KL Sentral is more than just a transportation hub. They have stalls selling really pretty clothes, tidbits and timepieces, eyewear and the list goes on...

Now back to the fruit story. The selection of fruits there is nothing short from amazing. They even have organic sultanas all the way from California. Check it out and you will not regret it and if you are really lucky, you may get to buy some peaches that are slgihtly infused with sakuras from the Land of the Rising Sun.


Anonymous said...

it sure make one mouth waters.... curious to try it out....

LazySuzy said...

Come over to this side of town lah... many more gems to find